Deckenmalerei [Ceiling Painting] and Farbschacht [Colour
Shaft]. Photo: Joerg Burger
[Colour Shaft/Ceiling Painting]
1997 Farbschacht
[Colour Shaft]
Space intervention
Chipboard, two mirrors, luminescent pigment with acrylic binder
Room dimensions: 84 x 98 x 180 cm
Design 1996, execution 1997
Room: side chamber off the hall, 1st floor
First presentation in 1998 in the context of the exhibition Rauminstallationen
1983−1998 [Site-Specific Installations 1983–1998]
1998 Deckenmalerei
[Ceiling Painting]
Painting in the three ceiling lunettes in the hall
Egg tempera
Diameter oval space: 130 cm
Rectangular space: 90 x 110 cm each
Execution 1998
Room: hall, 1st floor
THOMAS KAMINSKY inserts paintings in the oval central space and the two
rectangular lateral spaces of the stucco ceiling of the upper hall.
First presentation in 1998 in the context of the exhibition Rauminstallationen
1983−1998 [Site-Specific Installations 1983–1998]